


  :: Car Accessory
      Auto Lighting System
         - ALS - 2001
      Car Horn
      Electronic Horn
         - SJG - 120
      Digital Horn
         - SJD - 300
         - SJD - 600
         - SJD - 1000
      Remote Control Horn
         - SJD - 300R
         - SJD - 600R
         - SJD - 1000R


  This goods(SJD-600R) can be operated by wire remote controller 
  and you can choose a sound that you want out of six sounds. 
  conveniently by mode conversion switch.

   - You can choose a sound among electric double sound, air mode 1sound, ambulance sound etc. 
   - Choosing sound is free because of using mode conversion switch.
   - Sound is digital, smooth, clean. 
   - Simple design imposed by skill and high elegance. 
   - This goods can be used in whole 12V car. 

     - electric double sound.           - winding sound.          - general sound.
     - general double sound.           - air mode 1sound.        - ambulance sound.

Establishment method and Usage method
- Establishment method
   1. Remove both sides of previous distributing wire of horn.
   2. Fix horn in front of radiator with trumpet entrance down.
   3. Connect connector wire of the same color in pairs out of distributing wire of box.
   4. Fix ring terminal of red line to the battery+terminal.
   5. Connect the other S/W line(blue color) like under figure.
   6. Connect distributing wire like under figure if it has remote controller(1000R, 600R) and fix remote 
       controller to convenient space in front of driver's seat.
   7. Arrange and bind distributing wires by tie.. In this time attention for switch line not to touch +line or 
       earth and for water not to flow in case of washing car
   8. Check earth state between fuse and horn unless it operates.

-  Establishment wire diagram
   * Connect line that dose not generate sound out of previous lines.
- Usage method
       Remote controller type : Mode is converted if remote controller switch is pressed one time.
       (Horn is not operated in the middle of mode conversion).
       Touch type : Mode is converted if wheel switch is pressed three time within short time(1.5second)
       (Horn is operated in the middle of mode conversion)

Basic test method of horn
   * It is operated if *S/W line is connecting with + or -

Method that needs relay
  1. Car that generates sound in cases that HORN S/W(blue color) is connected to previous line.
  2. Case that remained sound is long when wheel S/W is slightly tapped.

  1. Connect the distributing wire of same color in pairs.(Not to do like this can causes trouble)
  2. Test always through H(high) because L(low) does not be operated itself.
  3. Stick in front of radiator.
    (Because inner side of engine is hot it can generates resin deformation or trouble of components)
  4. Look out trumpet entrance on bottom for water not to flow.
  5. Confirm if HORN, main body, bracket is earth of car or not.
  6. Do not connect main body of Horn with environment because it causes noises.
  7. Remove both of previous horn.

[This goods may be different in design and color]

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